Community Navigator – Executive Level
“About 1-5% of America’s agents are a match for this program. It is the opportunity to tap into wealth building, growing other team members, and the joy of facing the challenge.
This program will tap your years of experience as an entrepreneur and those life lessons. Real estate is not dependent on one’s knowledge of transaction management as those are learnable skills. There are great competitive advantages for forerunners that come from other industries with a mindset of delegation, systems management, customer service and team building. This leadership program is a match for C-Suite level thinkers.”
Why You May Qualify
Are you an initiative-taking seasoned leader? Do you embrace challenges no matter how big or small? Do you believe in fire prevention vs fire starting with excellent de-escalation skills and have experience with large teams?
Are you motivated and a true visionary with effective communication and empathic listening skills? Many will see these words and say “it can’t be done.” Or “that is not the way to do it.” When you are going against the grain of popular belief and truly believe in an idea that is “win/win or no deal”, you must press on.
In The Agent Wealth Team we have expectations of just 50 individuals in the USA performing at the Navigator Community Level.