At some point you will have a few dozen sellers you are pursuing. Some will be stage 1 (denial), some in stage 2 (becoming aware they may have a problem), stage 3 (set a date to list with an agent), or stage 4 (they are ready to list today.)

Take diligent notes so that if you need to call the hotline you will be able to share answers to these questions. Our coaches will want to know the answers to most of these questions.


Why are they selling? _________________________________________

Where are they moving to? _____________________________________

Have they bought a home? _____________________________________

Any chance we can help them buy? 

  • yes 
  • no 
  • don’t know

Are they building? 

  • no
  • yes, close date: __________

Were they an expired or failed listing in the last 5 years in the MLS? 

  • no 
  • if yes, when? __________

Is the seller single? 

  • no
  • yes

Is the seller married?

  • no
  • yes

Will they give possession in about 40 days?

  • no
  • yes

How did they come up with the price?

  • agents appraisal 
  • on their own

What is the list price? ___________________

Do you think it is priced right?

  • yes
  • no
  • no idea

Did you get a 2nd appointment?

Did they ask what our fee is? 

  • yes 
  • no

Did you say our fee?

  • yes 
  • no

What did you say it may be? ____________

Do they have any buyer with interest?

  • yes
  • no

Have they had any offers?

  • yes 
  • no

Are they working on an offer?

  • yes 
  • no 
  • no idea

Are they not ready? 

  • thinking about it 
  • close to listing 
  • ready now

Are you a Cubs fan? 

  • yes 
  • no 
  • no way

Does the house back to a busy street or highway? __________________________

Does the property need a lot of work?

  • no it is ready to go 
  • needs some work
  • needs much work

If the 2nd appointment is set, what is the date and time? ________________________

If there are two sellers, will both be present for your interview?

  • yes 
  • no 
  • don’t know

What is the list price?____________

What do you think it should be? ____________

Or don’t know?____________

Expired SPOKE WITH _______________________________________DATE______________